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After that, a few more military ranks, then "Metal Soldier".

  • Rank Inflation: The game's ranking system starts out with fairly ordinary military ranks.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: Guy exchanges some brief banter with almost every boss before the fight begins.
  • Your own bullets go significantly faster.

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  • Painfully Slow Projectile: You can outrun enemy fire.
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    One of the higher ranks is even called "Oneman Army". but it's going to be your blood and not mine! The player can still shoot the boss as normal.

  • Human Shield: The first boss tries to use one.
  • Lee's stage is one long reference to Enter the Dragon, from the fighting tournament to even Lee's prosthetic claw-hand.
  • The whole game pays homage to the Rambo films.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: The "bio-monster" in the sewers of Garcia's base.
  • Flash of Pain: Things with multiple hitpoints tend to briefly turn white when hit.
  • First-Name Basis: Chairman Steve Lloyd, unlike the other Force Project members who are referred to by their surnames, is instead primarily referred to as "Chairman Steve".
  • Eyepatch of Power: Colonel Kadat wears one.
  • Exploding Barrels: In one stage, these are rolled at the player.
  • They also employ women, with one of the Force Project's 'toughest fighters' being a woman.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: The Force Project is led by a British arms dealer, a Middle Eastern Colonel, a Chinese mafioso, and a Hispanic actually cyborg physicist.
  • Elevator Action Sequence: The final level.
  • Lee: Oh rearry? Werr, that's interesting. I've been using UptimeRobot for years as a cost-effective way to quickly alert me when my sites were down - and when they were back up. We switched to using UptimeRobot years ago as they offered the same services we were getting from a different provider but at a fraction of the cost. We strive for minimal downtime, but if something goes wrong UptimeRobot makes sure that we know about it quickly. It's really easy and quick to set up and requires no extra changes to your website maker of, and others I use UptimeRobot to get push notifications whenever my website goes DOWN. It's the most simple and easy monitoring app I know and it's made my daily life much easier maker of, and others It's changed my reality from getting people tweeting me that part of my sites are down, to knowing it within 60 seconds and immediately being able to fix it. I use UptimeRobot to monitor over 100 endpoints on my site.

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